Thinking About Vet School? Here Are Some Things to Consider Now
August 24, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Heather Strauss Applying to veterinary school can seem very far away when you are in the midst of SATs and undergraduate applications. However, if you are considering going down that path, there are a few things to keep in mind early on to set…
Comparing Ivies
August 3, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Soliana Habte Everyone knows about the Ivy League, but not many people can name every school in it, and even fewer realize how different these colleges are. Do you want to go to college in New York City? What about rural New Hampshire? Are you…
Considering Canadian Universities?
July 16, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Luke Lorefice Thinking about pursuing a college experience with our friendly neighbors to the north? Canadian universities have a lot to offer the right type of student: students who are not afraid of colder weather, feel comfortable being part…
Is it too late to attend a selective college?
June 29, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Soliana Habte It’s never too late to realize you want to go to a good college! Whether you’re in the middle of high school, about to finish, or have already graduated, there are great options to consider. The first step is to think about why you…
NCAA Updates and Recruiting Rule Changes as of June 2nd
June 2, 2020 / Operations Staff / Athletic Recruitment
by Katie Charles As with everyone in the current climate of COVID-19, the NCAA has been doing its best to keep up with changes in protocol and potential roadblocks with athletics in the future. They are taking and following recommendations from…
BA or BFA?
May 11, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Heather Strauss When a student tells me that they want to study Theatre in college, my first question is, “Do you want to get a BA or BFA?” The answer to that question will dramatically change their admissions process, yet I have found that many…
April 3, 2020 / Operations Staff / Test Prep
How Optional Is Test-Optional? by Jen Kaifesh There have been a lot of questions since the UC system’s announcement that standardized tests will be optional for students submitting applications in the fall of 2020. Test-optional admissions policies…
gap year
March 16, 2020 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Luke Lorefice Congratulations—you have just submitted all your college applications! You may be feeling relieved, anxious, and unsure of what is next to come. Some students and families may want to consider exploring a gap year. First, let’s…
December 12, 2019 / Operations Staff / Test Prep
by Annie Manion One of the most frequent questions I get as a test prep tutor is: how many times should a student plan to take either the SAT or the ACT? Neither ACT, the non-profit organization that administers the ACT exam, nor College Board offer…
What to Include in your Visual Arts Portfolio
October 21, 2019 / Operations Staff / College Counseling
by Soliana Habte A successful art school portfolio demonstrates an applicant’s technical skills, artistic style, interests, and overall development while also conveying why they are applying to a particular program. In order to create a fantastic…