We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for our free test prep program. Our outreach program consists of online, one-on-one ACT prep with one of our tutors!
How does it work?
Once our newly hired test prep tutors have successfully passed their rigorous month-long training, the last requirement is to complete 15 hours of test prep with a student. This enables our new tutors to familiarize themselves with the curriculum and become more comfortable with the flow and structure of each session.
Therefore, we are offering free tutoring to overachieving, underprivileged students who could not otherwise afford our help. We provide each student with 15 free hours of remote ACT prep (ten 1.5-hour sessions), and we provide all of the materials. The only thing we ask in return is for the students to fill out a brief online survey to rate their tutor so we can assess his/her performance.
Eligibility requirements
To qualify, students must be rising high school juniors or seniors and interested in applying to 4-year universities. Students must demonstrate financial need and have access to online platforms such as Zoom or Google Meet for weekly tutoring sessions. Email addresses are required for the student and his/her parent or guardian in order to facilitate scheduling and receive weekly session reports/assignments from the tutor. Students must be ready to begin immediately and show up to all scheduled sessions on time.
If you are interested in signing up for our pro bono test prep program, please fill out the form below. Eligible students are assigned tutors on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to working with you!